Niagara's Website Design Blog

Displaying posts in Learn About Website Design

Understanding Your Web Design Needs: Key Questions to Consider

Understanding Your Web Design Needs: Key Questions to Consider

Posted Jul 16th, 2024 in Learn About Website Design

As a website design pioneer in Niagara, I’ve encountered a wide array of web design projects. From small businesses to large corporations, each client brings unique needs and goals. To ensure we provide the best service, it’s essential to ask some critical questions at the outset. Here’s a guide to help you...

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The Attributes of a Well-Designed Website

The Attributes of a Well-Designed Website

Posted May 3rd, 2023 in Learn About Website Design, Learn About Marketing

In today's digital age, having a well-designed website is crucial for any business that wants to compete in the online market. A website acts as the face of the brand and often serves as the first point of contact with potential customers. A website is not just about aesthetics; it should be user-friendly, engaging, and informative. Here are some of the attributes...

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Improving User Experience on Your Website

Improving User Experience on Your Website

Posted Feb 23rd, 2023 in Learn About Website Design

User experience (UX) is key to running a successful website. Having a website that meets customers' needs and delivers an enjoyable browsing experience will lead to increased engagement, better conversion rates, and more sales. Here are some strategies for improving the user experience on your website…

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Starting 2023 Off On The Right Foot

Starting 2023 Off On The Right Foot

Posted Dec 29th, 2022 in Learn About Website Design

​2023 is fast approaching and the post pandemic economy will undoubtedly be a challenge for businesses. With the ever-growing competition, it is essential that businesses stand out from the crowd and build a strong online presence. A website can...

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​Website Design & Credibility

​Website Design & Credibility

Posted Jan 21st, 2022 in Learn About Website Design

According to research, more than half of your visitors will judge the credibility of your website based on it's design and more importantly, it takes less than 40 milliseconds for the average internet user to make a decision about your website. That's less then 1 second... so you really don't have as much time to get their attention as you would think.

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Enter Responsive Design

Enter Responsive Design

Posted Jan 21st, 2022 in Learn About Website Design

The introduction of smartphones and tablets has revolutionized the way people access information. Internet users are accessing websites using everything from 70" televisions all the way down to mobile devices. Every single one of your visitors needs an experience that is optimized for their specific device.

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