Niagara's Website Design Blog

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​Why Every Website Owner Should Start Blogging

​Why Every Website Owner Should Start Blogging

Posted Jun 20th, 2024 in Learn About Marketing

Every website owner shares a common goal: to attract more business. Whether you’re selling products, services, or simply trying to spread a message, increasing your online presence is crucial. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through blogging. Here’s why blogging...

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The Challenges of Yellow Pages in the Digital Age

The Challenges of Yellow Pages in the Digital Age

Posted Jul 5th, 2023 in Learn About Marketing

In the digital era, the Yellow Pages, once a staple for finding businesses and services, encountered challenges as they attempted to adapt to the digital age. Users have reported instances of inaccurate or outdated information on the online...

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The Attributes of a Well-Designed Website

The Attributes of a Well-Designed Website

Posted May 3rd, 2023 in Learn About Website Design, Learn About Marketing

In today's digital age, having a well-designed website is crucial for any business that wants to compete in the online market. A website acts as the face of the brand and often serves as the first point of contact with potential customers. A website is not just about aesthetics; it should be user-friendly, engaging, and informative. Here are some of the attributes...

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Your Google Business Profile - SO IMPORTANT

Your Google Business Profile - SO IMPORTANT

Posted Nov 2nd, 2022 in Learn About Marketing

​Thinking that your Google business profile isn't really that important? Think again! The importance of your Google business profile has never been more important than it is today in this post-pandemic economy. Being in the top three positions on the local business results is critical for your company's visibility and branding...

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Surviving A Post Pandemic Economy

Surviving A Post Pandemic Economy

Posted Jul 28th, 2022 in Learn About Marketing

​We are all living in a post pandemic economy. The global outbreak of the coronavirus has forced businesses and individuals alike to reckon with a future in which traditional economic models may no longer be viable. In this uncertain landscape, it is more important than ever to invest in website design that can help your business thrive.

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Top 10 Website Practises

Top 10 Website Practises

Posted Jan 21st, 2022 in Learn About Marketing

As we have carefully studied the success of our clients websites over the years, we have ben given incredible insight. Studying the behaviour of visitors on our websites have created in incredible road map for successful websites – for us and for our clients. Coupled with a careful review of the...

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